Sometimes when I’m explaining the idea of an Empire Art Photography Boudoir photoshoot to a friend or potential client, they’ll look at me with one eyebrow raised, sceptical.
‘I’m not photogenic.’
‘I don’t like photos; they just make me feel bad about myself.’
‘Sitting around in lingerie is not going to make me feel anything but uncomfortable.’
Boudoir photoshoots have absolutely nothing to do with making you feel bad about yourself! Quite the opposite in fact. Boudoir is about embracing yourself, celebrating the amazing human being you are and documenting that in a way that is both beautiful and captivating.

Not everyone feels beautiful posing for a head shot in their work uniform. Not everyone is blessed with the ability to take amazing selfies, whether that’s at a coffee shop or in their lingerie. If we were, Kim Kardashian would be finding a new day job!
The point of a Boudoir photoshoot is to feel beautiful, celebrate yourself and acknowledge that self-love with stunning images. And sometimes that means stepping outside your comfort zone.

One of my gorgeous boudoir clients MS L felt uneasy approaching her shoot.
‘I have a deep-rooted thought pattern that I don’t look good in photos. I think I look alright in real life and then I see photos and am just like, Do I really look like that?!’
But she took that step outside her comfort zone, and once she had her makeup and hair done by one of the Empire Art Photography stylists , she relaxed completely into the moment. She allowed her true self to shine through, dropping those doubts and criticisms behind her.

She wanted to use the experience to be gentle and kind to herself, to feel beautiful in her own skin, love her body and celebrate the woman she had become.
Perhaps her advice for those approaching a Boudoir photoshoot is best to describe how she felt about the whole process:

‘Set your intention for your headspace on the day and what you hope to get out of it in terms of your own self treatment and reflection. If you get clear on the idea that you want this to be about self-love, expression, passion or embodying your own goddess or whatever it is for you, that will shine through on the day. Each time I felt insecure, I would remind myself that I am here to delve deeper on my journey to self discovery… It was a truly amazing experience and I am so thankful.’

Empire Art Photography Boudoir photoshoots aren’t embarrassing or indulgent. They celebrate you and all your brilliance. When you embrace yourself with complete self-love, we capture the inner beauty radiating out. And that is the most beautiful thing of all.