Tips for Planning a Wedding During Uncertain Times

The world is currently experiencing a wave of uncertainty but this doesn’t mean we can’t still find ways to focus on the important, exciting and special aspects of our lives, including weddings.
Love should always be at the core of anything related to wedding planning. When there is positivity and loving energy, you can get through any challenges or uncertainty. If you and your partner are in the midst of planning your wedding day, here are a few tips that will help.
Keep planning
It will give you something to look forward to and do together during this strange time. Every wedding supplier is more than happy to Skype or face time and have a great conversation about what your needs are.
Deciding Whether to Postpone or Cancel
If your date is only a couple of months away, experts are recommending that instead of cancelling your entire wedding, you postpone it. It can be difficult to stay positive about the wedding planning process with all of the lingering uncertainty, but it will end. By postponing your wedding, you’ll incur fewer financial losses than if you cancel it completely. Your vendors and venue will be more than happy to help you make alternative arrangements, ensuring everyone benefits. If your wedding is in the nearfuture, start the process of choosing another date and making the necessary arrangements with vendors and guests. If your wedding is still several months away, there’s probably no need to change your date at this stage. Naturally, keep your ears open for changes in regulations and restrictions but for now, there really is no need to cancel your wedding completely

Rope in the Experts
As mentioned, your vendors are here to help you. They are professionals who want to keep their clients happy. Plus, they want to keep their businesses up and running too. There’s no need to go through this alone. I am more then happy to help or ask your wedding planner, for help when rescheduling your wedding day. Not only will this help relieve some of the pressure, but they may be able to assist you with some helpful suggestions that will make all this a lot easier too.

Focus on One Thing at a Time
When you need to re-plan an entire wedding, it can get very overwhelming, very quickly. Slow down and start by carefully jotting down everything you need to take care of, starting with a new date. It’s only once you’ve discussed a new date with your venue and vendors that you can start taking care of the finer details, such as letting your guests know. If you will be postponing, you can let your guests know in the meantime and send them the new date later on once you’re sure about the details.

Remain Positive
This can be easier said than done but positivity will be key at this time. Lean on your partner, friends, and family for support. It’s perfectly normal to feel sad, angry and disappointed but try to bring your mind back to your reason for wanting to get married. Focus on love, unity and the bigger picture to keep your mind positive. You will get through this and you can take solace in the fact that you’re not the only bride who needs to navigate these challenges.
Nobody planned for any of this to happen but the good news is that you’re surrounded by people who will help ensure you still have the wedding of your dreams. Good luck with the planning and stay home and stay safe.